• Sapna Sangeeta, Indore
  • drhaldarspilescare@gmail.com
  • +91 9691241120, +91 7987801488



Ksharasutra is a medicated alkaline thread prepared by smearing the latex of Euphorbia nerifolia (Thuar), Kshara (Hygroscopic Powder) of Achyranthus aspera (Apamarga) and Dry Powder of Curcuma longa (haridra) for 21 times which is dried in special Ksharasutra cabinet which is fitted with UV light for proper sterilization. In 1964 when Dr. P.J. Deshpande of Banaras Hindu University started the research work on role of Ksharasutra in fistula in ano. He worked for more than twenty years on Ksharasutra and Fistula in Ano and Standardized it. His research work on Ksharasutra and Anal fistula has changed the pattern of treatment of Ano-rectal surgical diseases in world.

Mode of Action of Ksharasutra:

Achyranthus aspera (Alkaline salt) - Strong alkali with high calcium content, Caustic action leading to cutting of tissue, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial.

Euphorbia nerifolia (Latex) - Wound Healing effect.

Curcuma longa (Fine Powder) - Minimizes local reaction, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial effect.